Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tattooed Folks Everywhere

Well the stigma of the tattoo folks still happens to this day. We are no good, trashy folks that can't get jobs and have no morals!

Well fine then so be it you conservative closed minded morons. We all know damn well that there are Politicians, CEOs, teachers & lawyers to name a few that have their bodies decorated under their professional work attire. Some of them are even WOMEN! THE FUCKING HORROR. lol

I just find it funny is all. Let me just shoot a little example for you.

I was walking into a corner store one beautiful Sunday morning. I was dressed in a muscle shirt & wearing my septum piercing. (Obviously I was not dressed to go to church) I kindly opened the door for a family walking in at the same time. (Who were dressed in their Sunday best) MOM & Grandmother shot me a big judgemental look. And my first thought was, "really ladies? Your going to think ill of me RIGHT BEFORE YOU WALK INTO CHURCH, nice." I guess it's better to ask God to forgive you for being so judgemental & thinking your bad thoughts about me. I forgive you for passing judgement on me. I know who I am. I am actually a mother as well, I cook and clean for my husband just like you do & I just choose to adorn my body with artwork.

I am not sporting demons nor religious tattoos. To each their own. I just think that it is a bit sad in many ways that we as a society can not stop with the prejudice. Whether its people's sexual orientation, color, or religion. Instead we still catagorize folks into groups. BUT I am prejudice I will not lie. I fucking HATE STUPID PEOPLE, and they come in all shapes & forms. Sorry stupid people but your just screwed.

I am just thrown aback when I read some facebook comments on some of my friends and families tattoo or piercing photos or statuses. Is it really that bad, to choose to do what you want to do? Can we not decorate our bodies like we would like? Is it really any of your fucking business what I get done? To Each Their own.

My Husband likes to tell a story about a brief conversation he had about his Tattoos:

He was one day standing in line and an older african american man said to him, "Sir, Do you ever think your the new colored folk?"

My husband turned to him, thought for a minute and responded, "Well I guess so."

Comming from a man that probably lived his youth segregated & came across discrimination, my husband could now relate to at least one of those.

Everyone who has a tattoo is not TRASH! I just want everyone to know that. We are a different breed, we like to go through the pain in the chair to carry a permanent mark on our bodies. One that means something to us. A time stamp of our youth, our adventures, our identities. We beat to our own drum or maybe we just love the sound of the tattoo machine. But hell, beauty hurts ask any woman who tweezes their eyebrows or has cut herself shaving her legs.

Would you really turn to the woman with tattooed sleeves and tell her she was trash? Or would you think twice about just opening your mouth cause maybe that woman will be your child's teacher, school nurse or even worse THE PRINCIPAL!

And if we are trash, outlaws, bikers, rebels, pirates, and scumbags then so be it. Together we will walk with our markings.

Thank you and have a good day.