Sunday, August 12, 2012

Still believes in LOVE

I still believe in LOVE.   

Maybe I am a hopeless romantic, in turn making me a fool   A "Fool in LOVE."  

I would like to believe that everyone has a someone out there.  It may many several life times to find that person but finding them is an adventure on its own.   Or you can find that soul mate that makes you complete over and over again as you share many lifetimes together.   Or maybe you only love once in your one life time and that one love can carry you off your feet.   Whether you believe in re carnation or not.   Finding Love is what some of the human race needs to FEEL true emotion.   With love can come hurt, pain, laughter, jealousy, humility, honor and loyalty to name a few.   Which in turn, makes us alive.   To love someone isn't a mind game or the battle of wits, its the feeling that sometimes can not be explained.   Making Love an emotional connection that only the HEART understands.   Your mind can not always find the words to explain the way your heart jumps a beat when your spouse walks in the room.   The way you blush when you he pays you a compliment.   
I just wanted to put it out there that no matter all the ugly, mean and depressing the world can get, LOVE will conquer even the coldest beast.   

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Strong Bitch Association

I want to create a group where women can not only get away the everyday grind but be able to be in a social setting where they can just be themselves.  

We aren't a group of women gathering that sell stuff, that's your other meeting on Tuesday nights.  ha ha

We will be a group of women that will get together to discuss our weekly trials and tribulations and how we have managed to keep our heads held high, keeping our family going and staying the STRONG woman that we know we are.  

Will we cry?   Sure out of saddness sometimes or maybe out of rage and anger.  Sometimes the strongest tree in the forest has to shed a few leaves and limps to continue to grow.  

If you don't like the term, BITCH, then this group is not for you.   It will be hard at first to see if this group of women will be able to have such a group.   Sometimes, it's a conflicting personalities others is  if you have to many ALPHA BITCHES in the same room, we are all trying to show dominance.   In the long run I believe if we just remember that the group is there as a support to each not to bring each other down.   We are a network of women that are helping one another get through the journey called LIFE.   Sometimes we have family and spouses but it helps to know that others maybe be experiencing or have experienced the same thing and learn from each other.  

I can only think of one rule, as of right now that will VOID and TERMINATE your membership.  

IF YOU HAVE AN AFFAIR/SLEEP/FUCK/HAVE A FLING (whatever you want to call it) with another members SPOUSE.  Your membership will be TERMINATED.  
For how long, is still up for debate.   Can you be forgiven after a year? 6 months?  NEVER?  This is a membership of women, ranging from the age of 25 - 101.  This isn't a High School group and we are way past the rules of the playground,.   The act of Adultery will not only have the effects of one broken heart, it will affect many hearts, yours, theirs, if their are children in the equation, they will be affected by your adultery.   Being forgiven for your selfish act will be the last thing the victim will have on her mind. **

I want the group to be one of just social interactions.   We will we have drinks, food and have to wear nice clothes to the meeting?   This isn't the fucking PTA meeting.   It's just a group of gals getting together to do what girls do.   


The long story short.   

Welcome to the Strong Bitch Association where we gather to keep each other motivated, loved and honor each other's strong attributes.   

Now I know.....

Here it is in black and white.

I am always meeting new people and some of these people are females that are the spouses, fuck buddies, girl friends of some of my husband's LIFE LONG FRIENDs.   Which is fine.   Others are just clients and the significant others.   At first I wanted to make new friends and have always been one to go and be kind to any females.   Talk about female stuff and not so much tattoos, but bitch about laundry and so forth.


I have to play nice because I want to make new friends even though some of these WOMEN sound like Peggy Bundy screaming at AL.   Their voices piss me off.   I can't wait to delete some of the girls numbers from my cell as soon as we leave their 100 mile radius.   Bye Bye Puta.

The next time I meet a NEW GIRL and I will have to spend some amount of time with them.  If the following sentence comes from their lips "I DONT HAVE MANY FRIENDS."

Here are the following ways I may take the news:

1.  RUN and scream away from them.
2. Respond, "Okay, What's wrong with you?"
3.  Tell her straight out, "Well that sucks but you can go ahead and keep me on that List."  I don't want to be your friend either.
4.   Say nothing and Jot her name down on "CUNT List"

I am a Bitch, yes.   And some girls are bitches too which is fine but when your on the fence about being one or the other.... I am going to push your ass down to the side of CUNT so I don't have to actually be nice to you anymore and put you in your place.

Until the next time ladies.....

Gypsy K.
The Strongly Opinionated Bitch that LOATHES CUNTS.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Lessons Learned 2011

This year started out a little rough but we found something out. George can not make a living standing still. January we started off homeless, to be honest. We were staying with relatives and had actually been without a place to call our own since before October.

The New Year came and we started thinking about how we were going to make it this year.  By the end of January we had a plan. We started taking deposits from clients back in Central Texas and Houston to get him on a plane to tattoo. We got art work together, ordered supplies and bought a plane ticket. And he was on a plane RIGHT before the "Big Freeze" rolled throught our fine State. 
February and some of March he was gone tattooing and when he came back. He had a motorcycle and we had a small RV to live in. While he was gone I was looking for employment in the El Paso area. I still did not have job when he came back but I was waiting to hear back from a few places. I got a job by the time April came around.

The begining of summer was not all that fantastic.  But once again, he was on the road tattooing clients all over the Central Texas and Houston area.  He bought a truck to have a source of transportation.  Only for it only to be taken by APD. The truck was reported stolen by the original title owner. The police officers treated my husband like a car jacker because the police reported said "TRUCK stolen at GUN POINT"  My husband was incarcerated for something he did not do and was thrown in jail to be forgotten.  The Austin Police department and Harris County gave everyone the round around about how to get him out of jail.  While he sat in jail with no word from anyone, we were trying to get him out.  OR find the right department to get give us answers on who made the report, who gets the truck and so forth.  Needless to say, the original truck owner who made that false police report ran off with OUR truck and his insurance money.   That thief caused my husband to loose a week of his freedom.  I am very unhappy with the police force in both areas for not LOOKING closer into the matter and releasing my husband sooner.   PROVEN GUILTY due to LAZINESS and Cracker Jack Investigation Training Certification.  An assistant D.A. helped find his file and had him released immediately, she knew if they held him any longer we could have a case against the entire system.  Some cut throat lawyer out there would have eaten up the details and taken it to court.  But who has time for a lawsuit, court dates and more paper pushing junkies not us. 

George kept traveling running behind on his tattoo appointments because he had taken a "FORCED VACATION"  He came to see me in El Paso to recollect himself and start over again, getting a vehicle to make it to the next stop of his journey.  I kept working while he was away, missing his company, love, and our Gypsy life style. 

When he came back for me....
He came back for me mid Sept or so.  We packed up our stuff, sold the big stuff, threw the junk away and left El Paso.  We made one last stop in El Paso to say our good byes.  As we left, I started crying because even though the Sun City was not always good to us, I had grown to like it.  The dessert weather was always sunny.  The view of the Franklin Mountians during sunset were memorable and beautiful.  The popcorn thunderstorms that rained muddy water were few and over quickly. 
We were walking to the truck to leave, I was wiping my tears away following George outside.  I looked down at his butt and there they were.   A pair of pink lace panties stuck to the velco of his short pocket.   "What the hell are these doing there?"  As  I reached down and pulled them off. 
Patty takes the panties from me and we all start laughing. 
Little George's GRAND exit.  :)  No more tears from saddness, now a belly busting laugh. 

We left El Paso. 

Headed up to Alburqueque, NM.  We took our time to get there.  We had some engine troubles not even an hour away from El Paso.  Had a meal under the light of the FLYING J sign, with our sliced pizza and our coffees.  We managed to get to a rest area to sleep because we just did not want to travel too much that night.  We were exhausted from the packing and emotionally drained.  But we were on the road together and that was good enough for both of us.   The next day we were at a friend's farm, the first stop on our travels back together.  We stayed there for 2 weeks.  One week to recover, reorganize and plan our next destination.  The following week came and then we were held hostiage by our friend. Just kidding but she was dreading the day we pulled out of there.  But we hit the road and headed out on OLD ROUTE 66.  
Through the mountain range there in New Mexico, throught the panhandle of Texas we rode on until we got to the HISTORICAL Route 66 Rest Area, on the East side of the Panhandle close to the Oklahoma border.  That night was a little bit cold and very windy but we were hungry Travelers we were the first to use their NEW Texas Shaped Grill to make us dinner.  The Rest Area was big, layed out every well, and was obviously a addition to the area.  There was sliding glass doors to the center, the rest rooms were clean and take care of, there are touch screen televisions for those folks who liked to read more about the OLD Route 66.  And  a few Flatscreen TV's in the middle of displays that told their own stories too.  Hell, it even had Tornado Shelters on either sides of this huge building reminding everyone that TORNADOS do strike in the area and to be aware of your surroundings.  We got back in the truck and headed to Oklahoma.  Where George had a friend from the Island that is now a transplant to the OK area. 

Elk City, OK.  The big BAR S food plant is there.  You know Bar S...your cheap hot dogs and bologna that is made with cow's assholes, pig's armpits and chicken lips.  Yup, its either their plant or their distribution center but it is on I40 near the town of Elk City.  We got to Mike's and were made to feel at home.  Sleeping quarters were arranged for us, food was there for us to chow down, and tattoos were there to get.  :)  We had a good time in Oklahoma.  We had 2 2011 Harley Davidson Street Glides to ride if we so choose.  I found some thing out about me as a passanger on a bike.  I need a sissy bar cause I am a sissy and everytime he goosed it I felt like I was going to be left behind on the street. The only part of our trip that was the bad was dealing with UPS out there in the middle of no where.  UPS is the worst company ever to have your package delievered.  You pay extra to have things over nighted to you and what your really paying for is to get EXTRA screwed.  We left Oklahoma as soon as the appointments slowed down and we were getting the "soon" but not now speeches.  That is always a good sign to leave an area, for we shall always return and there is money to be made some where else. 

North Texas. 
Where we met up with our favorite Gypsy friends.  My definition of Gypsy:  A person or persons that travel to make a living and/or follow the money.  Many live in RV's and when it is time to go, they can leave in a blink of an eye.  Hard working, honest folks that travel with spouses and take care of their children.  We are AMERICAN Gypsys.  The first night we got there we did not work, we drank with everyone and had a great visit.  Good times.  We had a few tattoos and we were able to get enough money together to buy us an RV that was just right for us.  It is a little older, but it was bigger than what we had, and it is was also ready for the road.  Well kinda.  We stayed long enough to get it road ready and headed out of town......

We came back to Austin to our families for the Thanksgiving holiday and now we are in Houston. 
The year was full of ups and downs like everyone else's.  But we make it through the rough times to also enjoy the good times.  We have big dreams for 2012, so I am ready for this year to end so we can turn these dreams into REALITY one tattoo at a time. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

"On Demand"

I don't know how new this phrase really is, but I have used it talking to my girl friends. One of my best suggestions for a couple, whether newly weds or celebrating 35 years.

"On Demand" is a negotiation shared by two grown adults. If you purchase me this "extravagant" item and gift it to me. In my appreciation of my gratitude, I will give oral pleasure "On Demand" anywhere, anytime the time frame will be set by the person that RECEIVED the gift.
This negotiation deal would be fun to complete.

I have an "On Demand" gift that I believe is worth a month's worth providing oral pleasure to where ever my creative husband could and shall make up. For a month adventure of just making it fun. But I wouldn't mind, I got what I want and it is just my way of paying it forward.

With that said, have you ever flipped through those expensive ads with beautiful pieces of jewelry, a pair of shoes that are just beyond your reach, a vacation, a car..... Would you not give your significant other pleasure for that? As you wear your tennis bracelet, as you drove your dream car, as your wearing your shoes...

We can fantasies our new item.... they can fantasies about getting oral in traffic.

I bet I could make a list of a couple "on demand" gifts but one is fun enough. ;)

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Why do we like music?

Is it cause of the lyrics? The sound of the musicians voice? Are we more attracked to songs that make us want to move? Why do we like music?

If you had to describe music in one word what would it be?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Projection: Fair Weather

Well you verified it today, which is okay. We each know where we stand in our friendship. Then I am asked to lie. So now I am a back up associate but won't tell me any further details. How should I really feel about this relationship?

Oh the tangled web begins ...... and you want me to support one of those silk lines of web with miss information, half truths and crater hole stories. Do you not see the big holiday in the web, after you jump off that web of trust, sometimes you fall thru. You want me to participate in something that might lead to other lies. My glorious stage perform, day time soap opera self my exit left for she is not needed.

I must bow out for I can not par take in the twisted web of TRUST. If I were to contribute, it would lead to my personal moral code, questionable. Which would then lead to Capt. Suspicious on my ass asking those questions, questioning his own trust in me. For something you just need me to vouch for, a minor request. That could ultimate lead to disorder, more broken hearts and personal self evaluations perceived by others.
No thank you.

And to make it even more odd, I was asked to vouch for another individual.

"Make sure this is the story your telling people, if your telling anyone about what you have heard."
"I don't tell anyone anything."
Okay, I told some one she was living there and had left him, that was the extent of my telling a person.

And Ms. Lady why would I vouch for you will throw people under the bus but imcriminate yourself in the process. Didn't think on that at all before you spit it out of your mouth. You have the right to remain silent is something you might jot down as a weak personal attribute.

And I will bow out of this one too. I don't need to spread anyone's news, if i get asked maybe I will say what I have seen. Nothing else, its not my place.

So oddly enough same day, a pair of women asked me to not be so honest. I will be bowing off the stage for this ACT, does not include me. I love my husband to much for all that nonsense.

* Bows *
(Curtains Down)

ha ha ha ha
I am having fun with it, as if it were a monologue on stage.