Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Artist BLOCK.....ugh

Maybe I am losing steam....

I just want to complete this Logo for my sister and I might have taken on a project that is TOO advanced for my simple artist skill. I have lost a little confidence in my ability to produce a good product. Back to the drawing board.....

Cross stitching: I need more thread, black thread with me is like milk in a babies bottle. GONE. As soon as I get some, I will start stitching again.

Tattoo apprentice: psstt, I am actally a little jealous of this new guy that is gonna learn cause my apprenticeship goes on hold, in my opinion. :(

My earth girl: Once again, I feel stuck. I want to make her look like stone and I feel like I just dont understand how to make her look stoney.....ugh

Writing: I havent written in awhile, either.

Artist block sucks! GO away Artist block for I truely am ready to get creative again!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Application for a NEW Friend?

RE VISED August 18, 2012

What kind of questions would you ever consider putting on an application like this? What kind of questions would you ask a girl. Here is my problem, I already have BEST friends and they are all great. It has taken me years of being there for them, and them being there for me. It has been years of listening to each other talk shit and hanging out. BUT I guess, with me being so far away from them, I get lonely here.

I have several of LG cousins telling me that "I WILL BE YOUR FRIEND!" well that's cool, but still your not MINE! Your LG cousin first of all and that makes it a little different.

Let's see here are some random questions, I guess I could ask?

1 What is your definition of friendship?
2. Do you listen or just need some attention? (cause that position has been filled by my sister, lol )
3. Have you ever lost a friend and wish you hadn't?
4. Do you believe in the forgiveness between friends? AND what would you consider a deal breaker on friendship?

Of course I could do the whole generic questions:
5. What's your favorite networking site?
6. What do you do for fun, or do you have hobby?
7. Likes & dislikes

Well, no matter what, an application will not exist. Like any other relationship, you have to take time with a person to make sure they are even worth hanging out with. I know I have pre-requisites in just being in my presence! Yes, that sounds vain, but I am not going to be your BFF, let alone your friend if the following things are wrong with you:

1. Your younger than 20! YOUR FUCKING DUMB!    << I have been wrong before.   I stopped being so narrow minded and  have to matured.   I have met several young ladies that opened my eyes.>> 

2. Your blonde, your LAME!  <<Must have been the blondes, that weren't really blonde in the first place, but I can't that damn swallow, I am a dumb brunette at times. >>

3. YOUR A CUNT! I just don't tolerate cunts, they are hated by everyone because they cant get along with others EVER! I am a BITCH and I get along with other bitches! woot woot!   NOTHING HAS CHANGED.   I am to the point that we are going to be in the same area for an extended amount of time, we just play nice.   You don't have to like me but you will always remember me.   

4. If you have the worst irritating voice I have ever heard!

Yeah, that's right I have to tolerate your presence before I even give you an application!

Do you think you have what it takes to me by friend?

5.  If you say the following to me as your opening introduction: "I don't have many friends."    Or something to that nature. I don't believe you will get an application at all.   DENIED.   Short Term Friend.   

When I wrote this back in 2010, it was a different adventure in my life.   I have now traveled to several regions and visit so many people.   Maybe my relationships are now all just short term ones and long term ones.   I hate to make it sound like a GOAL List but sometimes you just know when relationships will move on to the next level or not.   
I gained two long term friends, how many do I really need.   Sometimes you just know when your done.    

**And I find myself to be very comical, my past entry was so bitchy.   I considered myself a little swallow and closed minded.   It's okay to laugh at oneself.   :) 

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hands, they tell a story

Your hands, my hands, your father's hands, your mother's hands, grandmother & grandfather's hands. They all have stories. Each little line, each little scar they all have a story.

When my grandmother died, I held her hand and looked at it. I remember those hands in the kitchen. I examined every little wrinkle, her long beautiful strong nails and knew it was gonna be the last time I held her hand. I look down at my hands and I see her hands. Which makes me smile, for I know she was a good woman. And I hope I grow up and become a grandma with hands with a story.

My hands were starting to crack and hurt due to the lack of moisture in the air here in the dessert. And I turned to George and said, "my dad's hands get like this during the winter. I remember him working long hours in the cold and coming home with cracked skin. I don't know why he did that and let them get so bad." George turned to me and said, "Because he needed to feed his girls, and he loves ya'll and dry hands weren't gonna stop your dad from providing." He was right, bless my father for doing what he did to raise us.

Hands, that tell a story. What story are your hands telling others?
Soon, my hands will tell a story of being the cross-stitching gypsy I know I am. My fingers get brutalized sometimes, remember I am working with sharp pointy objects and they hurt. I know that if I continue to make homemade tortillas I will have the traditional Mexican lady hands that can deal with the heat from the comal. I know that one day, I will look at my sister's hands and their hands will tell a story. Julissa's hands a story of love and care for her hands, for she has this NO TOLERANCE for bad cuticles. Jessenia's hands, will tell a story but who knows if they will tell a story of pushing papers or of pushing triggers. Lisa's hands will tell a story of lots of fun kid activities, whether she comes home with a paper cut or covered in finger paint, they say fun. Tiffany's hands will have the slight smell of money some days and others of her playing with the earth to create a garden. But hey, we are still young, and our hands will get older, with more battle wounds of the many years to come.

Palm reading, whether you believe it or not. One of George's Aunts told me that one of your hands is the past and the other the future.

Look down at your hands? What do you think about them? Look at your parent's hands and ask them a question about that little scar, and see what they tell you.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What the hell is wrong with her?

Well, if you must know, there is this syndrome called "middle-child syndrome" and well no matter if it is made up or in some medical psychiatric term. She is my sister. She is also an Aries, if you believe in the stars and birthdays. She is hard headed and stubborn and sometimes they can be a little self centered.

Which will also make her a Fire sign. And let me tell you when she is HOT she is hot. Her presence is for sure there in a bright spirit, whether she is in good or bad. If she is baffling you with bullshit than she might be clouding your vision with her smoke, but no matter what she is fire. Now with all these factors, she is my sister. And we all love her. Her little evil ways are just due the fact she has suffered from all of these traits. Maybe not so much suffered but has embraced! WELL sometimes we suffered more. HA Ha She might have been the little sister to one and an older sister to another but she is a great sister all the way around. She has this magnetic gravitation to her. She wants to be "worshiped" but than she gets irritated about the attention. I believe she is strong force to be reconded with sometimes, whether it in everyday life, or in the bedroom. She is either, sit down, shut up and enjoy the ride kind of gal. OR she can be "that was it? GET OUT, I've had better sex ON MY OWN" kind of gal. Vulgar, well that should have been her middle name. Sometimes she has not couth, but psst in this society who gives a shit. Well, no matter what, this strong girl has pushed past all fears and doubts and moves along everyday for the greater good of her family. Her little girl is the most important person to her and she has done everything she can to be the best mother she can be.

What the hell is wrong with her? Nothing. She is perfect in every way.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Library, Books, and inspiration

I finally am sitting in front of a computer, but the only problem is that I am on a timer. BOOOO Library politics. Dont they know that I am not only trying to find a job, but i have to write a blog. :) Well, no matter what, I am happy to be writing.

I walk around the shelves and look at the selection. I love the library, there are so many stories to read, so many books, some of drawing, stitching, automotive, biographies, and the fiction....ENDLESS. So, I am walking around and I see it, a book George wants me to read and practice the exercises. I want to be so many things and this is one that will help me figure out if I can be an artist. But no matter what, I hope my book helps me with my cross stitching and making new patterns better.

I love writing and so far, in my blog, I have had to delete one. Let's just pretend, that one never existed. I was being mean and selfish.

I have 15 minutes and I have other job research to do. I am glad I stopped by, but boy am I dumb! I am following my own blog, but have yet to figure out how to follow my sisters & friends. I am dumb. :) good day!