Friday, February 12, 2010

Application for a NEW Friend?

RE VISED August 18, 2012

What kind of questions would you ever consider putting on an application like this? What kind of questions would you ask a girl. Here is my problem, I already have BEST friends and they are all great. It has taken me years of being there for them, and them being there for me. It has been years of listening to each other talk shit and hanging out. BUT I guess, with me being so far away from them, I get lonely here.

I have several of LG cousins telling me that "I WILL BE YOUR FRIEND!" well that's cool, but still your not MINE! Your LG cousin first of all and that makes it a little different.

Let's see here are some random questions, I guess I could ask?

1 What is your definition of friendship?
2. Do you listen or just need some attention? (cause that position has been filled by my sister, lol )
3. Have you ever lost a friend and wish you hadn't?
4. Do you believe in the forgiveness between friends? AND what would you consider a deal breaker on friendship?

Of course I could do the whole generic questions:
5. What's your favorite networking site?
6. What do you do for fun, or do you have hobby?
7. Likes & dislikes

Well, no matter what, an application will not exist. Like any other relationship, you have to take time with a person to make sure they are even worth hanging out with. I know I have pre-requisites in just being in my presence! Yes, that sounds vain, but I am not going to be your BFF, let alone your friend if the following things are wrong with you:

1. Your younger than 20! YOUR FUCKING DUMB!    << I have been wrong before.   I stopped being so narrow minded and  have to matured.   I have met several young ladies that opened my eyes.>> 

2. Your blonde, your LAME!  <<Must have been the blondes, that weren't really blonde in the first place, but I can't that damn swallow, I am a dumb brunette at times. >>

3. YOUR A CUNT! I just don't tolerate cunts, they are hated by everyone because they cant get along with others EVER! I am a BITCH and I get along with other bitches! woot woot!   NOTHING HAS CHANGED.   I am to the point that we are going to be in the same area for an extended amount of time, we just play nice.   You don't have to like me but you will always remember me.   

4. If you have the worst irritating voice I have ever heard!

Yeah, that's right I have to tolerate your presence before I even give you an application!

Do you think you have what it takes to me by friend?

5.  If you say the following to me as your opening introduction: "I don't have many friends."    Or something to that nature. I don't believe you will get an application at all.   DENIED.   Short Term Friend.   

When I wrote this back in 2010, it was a different adventure in my life.   I have now traveled to several regions and visit so many people.   Maybe my relationships are now all just short term ones and long term ones.   I hate to make it sound like a GOAL List but sometimes you just know when relationships will move on to the next level or not.   
I gained two long term friends, how many do I really need.   Sometimes you just know when your done.    

**And I find myself to be very comical, my past entry was so bitchy.   I considered myself a little swallow and closed minded.   It's okay to laugh at oneself.   :) 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck find a friend, Mari. I think once you get a job it'll be a lot easier. :) I've only made friends through school, really. That and my internet friends, cause I'm dorky. But I love my internet friends. They're super cool.
