Friday, January 22, 2010

blogging via mobil

how about that!

my tumbs are fast but my fingers are faster. And editing a blog, forget about it. And trying to add friends to follow, i cant figure it out via cell. Maybe the website is smarter than I am or just confusing as hell.

I have a couple topics i need to jot down, maybe they will be future blog topics who knows?

1. Application for a new friend
2. Same sex Marriage
3. Haiti Volunteers
4. Hands that tell a story...

well i will keep blogging my little thumbs away, until i get a real job or a computer. This blogging is keeping my depression at bay, to be quite honest. I think if i wasnt taking time and thinking about writing I would be having major pity parties with special guests like: Ms. Worthless, Capt. Self Hate, Lt. Lameass, d General Suicide. ughhhh I hate them all but they seem to be a part of my dark side.


  1. hey why do you need an application for a new friend are you fireing me j/k . miss you we are going to have to get together soon & have a venting session

  2. no, i am lonely in this stupid town. And I would never fire you too. Remember, they have to pass your approval as well. WELCOME TO THE LION DEN, huh Ladies! he he
    Love both of ya!
