Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Gypsy and her Roosters

One day I was traveling on a back road and in the distance I could see a little house set back in the distance. And other small stuctures behind it. It wasn't a house it was a small RV on the property. It looked like it hadn't moved in years. There was a palm tree in the middle of the front yard between the gate and the house with two lawn chairs under it. "What a silly place to put chairs?" I thought "Palm trees don't give off shade"

I slowed down and came to the front gate. The mail box was painted with two sugar skulls, very old school tattoo traditional, but weathered and beaten. "well that mailbox has seen better days." The gate was old and rustic. Horse shoes and an Longhorn skull were on display. Than I saw a sign right behind the gate on a post that read, "Come in, I've been expecting you."

Odd, I thought but hey they are expecting me, I could use a break from the road. I just hope they aren't serial killers or something. I went ahead and pulled into the driveway, got out of the car and opened the gate. It sure was heavy, the wheel on the corner was old and rusty making it very difficult to open it. "Well, this would keep anyone from actually coming and visiting." I chuckled to myself.

I drove up to the RV and I was right, nobody had moved this thing in years. One of the tires was missing and there was blocks holding it there. The canopy didn't look to good but the entire place felt very calm except for all the roosters crowing. I didn't hear that before but than again it was a long driveway and I did have my music blaring.

I looked around, there was a picnic table with a flower pot shaped like a rooster. Growing in it there was a plant. "No, it couldn't be? really?" I went for closer inspection. I was about to touch it and someone said. "Hello, I've been expecting you."

I jumped and turned around, "you have?"
"sure why not, I like visitors and when I unlock my gate that is when I put out my sign and expect to get company. I like company."
"Oh, so I am not the first to just come up your drive way?"
"Nope and sir you won't be the last. My name is Gypsy and my pal here is Bravo." She pointed at a beautiful Blue Leg Kelso. His feathers were clean, vibrant and full.
"Oh, my name is George but you can call me Buddy."
"George, huh." She looked at me and then her eyes went somewhere. She stared at me but not in a creepy way, I could tell she was thinking about something or someone.
"Gypsy, Are you okay?" I asked
She came back, "I am fine, my dear husband's name was George, so I will not be calling you Buddy, and we were together for a long time and he is waiting for me to join him but I think I still have a few years left in me. Besides who would tend to my roosters if I left."
"Do you mean, Bravo here?"
"No I mean my roosters in the back yard. But before you go explore, would you like a drink? You did stop and I take it you must be on a journey of some sort?"
"I would love a drink, Thank you Gypsy."

She slowly walked into the r.v. Bravo followed her.

I guess, she is odd. She sure is old and I guess she lives out here alone. It explains the shape of the fence, gate, mailbox and her home. I sat down on the picnic table and looked at that plant again. Well who is going to tell this old lady she's got a pot plant on her table? Wonder if she knows.

She walks out with a glass of tea and rolled cigarette in her mouth. "it's sweet, I shouldn't be making sweet tea anymore cause it's not healthy for me but it was MY George's favorite drink. Do you smoke pot?"
"no ma'am, I am moving to find work and had to quite. And that explains the plant." as I pointed to her porcelain rooster."
"I guess it would, huh. Well, I am going to smoke and if the cops come by after you leave, I will hunt you down and shoot you." She smiled at me. For an old lady, she had all her teeth and they were actually still white. Hell whiter than mine, I think.
"Ma'am I would never. I am a guest and would never disrespect your house or your hospitality."
"Alright then, glad we have come to an understanding."

She lite up and smoked, I sipped my tea. It was delicious. "This by far is the best sweet tea I have ever had."
"Thank you, young man. Guess all George's like my tea."
"May I ask what happened to your husband, Gypsy?"
"Yes you may. Old age happened. He left me in our sleep a couple years ago, we lead a very nomadic life, hence my nickname GYPSY and it was a wonderful loving loyal life we lead."
"sorry to hear that."
"sorry about what, young man, that he died? It happens, when Death comes for you, He will come. He came for my husband and one day he will visit me and later on in life, he will come for you. So don't be sorry or feel sad for me. We had a great adventure together and I will not ever forget him and I would do it all over again."
We sat there in silence for awhile, she was right and what could I say. klio
She put out her joint and she asked me, "would you like a tour of the farm?"
She got up from the other side of the table and started giving me the tour. This is their home for many years on the road, till they bought this piece of land and parked it. The palm tree and chairs, in front of the house, was an inside joke they shared with each other about waiting for the ocean to come to them. They had traveled all over the United States, going to Tattoo conventions, cause George was a Tattoo artist. I might be able to see some of his flash in shops now because even after he passed she still goes out to some conventions and sells his work. They have 3 boys and only 2 of them come and make sure she is still alive. One is a tattoo artist and the other one is high school football couch after his brief career in the NFL. We walked around the back, she had a small porch with more porcelain rooster pots but these were full of flowers. She had a small greenhouse that held all her vegetables and fruits that helps with her food costs as she told it. Sometimes she likes to make salsa and sell it but that is only if her best friend Hippie comes by and visits. There was a tree line after behind the greenhouse and you can hear the roosters and chickens a lot louder now. The trees were fruit and nut bearing trees. Pecans, Lemons, Apples, peaches and pears. She would sometimes pick them or hire people to come pick her trees for a little bit of pocket cash, once again, her words.
But than she stated, "But these are my money makers right here." She pointed past the tree line. "And let me tell you once again, IF YOU CALL THE COPS, I will hunt you down, shoot you and feed you to pigs, cause I have a pig farmer for a friend." This time her smile was a little creepy with a hint of evil witch.
"No ma'am, once again, I would never disrespect."
"I have been raising roosters and hens since we parked the r.v. When we finally decided to stop traveling so much and my husband's hands could no longer tattoo hours on end, we bought this land, took our savings and built the greenhouse, planted the trees and bought our first 3 breeds of the yard bird. He could only help out once in awhile depending on how he felt that day, but my husband always lived in pain and even when I told him I could take care of the rest he would always stay outside with me as we built up our property. Making sure my tea glass was always full. Now I have about 12 breeds of yard bird and all of them are just as loved as my first. I sell them to other farmers and some of my hens get slaughtered and are taken to the local butcher shop. EGGS I have eggs. And I will be sending some with you before you go by the way."
"okay." was I suppose to say no?
"Some gentlemen come by my house to buy roosters to fight. BUT I am not responsible for my birds after money has exchanged hands. I do not sell them roosters if they tell me they are going to fight them because COPS like to be tricky like that and get me to sell them a bird after they tell me shit like that. PSHHH I was born at night but not last night, stupid pigs! But that is besides the point. I just know that some of the ladies and gentlemen that come by are not all what they say they are. I am an old lady, not a DUMB OLD LADY. But either way, I sell my salsa with my friend, I let folks come by and pick off my trees for a little cash, sell eggs at the farmers market every other Saturday, slaughter my hens for the butcher and sell Roosters. And at the end of the day, Bravo and I are beat."

"well, you have quite the operation here for being all alone."
"I am not alone, I have Bravo and my 380 to keep my company so when people think they can take advantage of me, I can just shoot them in the face."
"well, that's a little harsh, but I understand."
"My husband taught me a lot, and one of things he was a firm believer in was 'this is not the playground this is real life and let the best person win."
"I see."
"I might be old, like I said, but I am not helpless, I am blessed everyday I wake up to hear Bravo crowing at the sunlight. I am not alone, I have people come by during different times of the year to visit. Like you, I put the sign out cause I just knew a your traveling soul was tired and thirsty and curious. So I was expecting you."

We had walked back to the front yard and I drank the rest of my tea.

"Well Gypsy, you have a nice little operation going on for yourself. If I may, I would like to stop by again in the future and visit again."

"young man, your more than welcome to come back any time. With a name like George, you can come back anytime. But I recommend you come in the Spring if you like peaches cause I make some really good peach sweet tea. I just ask two things from you. Please close my gate when you leave and don't call the cops, I am just too old for court dates, court costs and bullshit pigs and judges. Like you said, I have a small operation here and it helps me get through until Death comes for me."

"It was a pleasure. Is there any way I can get a to-go cup of your tea?"
"yes, there is."

She disappeared inside and came back out with a big cup of tea and small cooler. "Here are those eggs and some cooked chicken. you can have the cup and cooler,they are a dime a dozen. My fellow gypsy friends and travelers always know I like to have spare coolers so they bring me back the coolers and to-go cups all the time. Be careful on your journeys George and have a wonderful day."

"Likewise Gypsy."

I am glad I stopped. The old lady and her roosters was one of the most memorable stops of my journey. I think I just might have to come back one day and bring her back her cooler and have some more of that sweet tea.

**This Blog is dedicated to my hard working Husband George. I love you baby and miss you so much when we are apart. I am honored to be your wife.**

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