Friday, February 4, 2011

Las Chismosas

Several years ago one of my Tias gave me a necklace with two Indian ladies sitting with their backs towards me. She had just come back from living in New Mexico, she loved the piece and it was gifted to me. I loved that necklace, I believed it was two sisters going at it with "The Chisme" of all those around them. I have sisters and when we get together for my coffee and my youngest sister pumpkin or banana bread, let the fun begin.

We are all guilty of the Chisme or gossip. Who isn't? Hell the first part of most of my conversations with my sisters or best friends usually starts with the gossip of all the people we know. But some of the bad gossip I hear stops with my lips. There is no reason to continue bad, negative and evil talk about people. Why even bring that kind of negative energy to yourself by letting your loose lips speak ill about others.

The definition of Gossip, according to
As a noun:
- idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others
- light, familiar talk or writing.
- Also, gos·sip·er, gos·sip·per. a person given to tattling or idle talk.

As a verb (used without object)
- to talk idly, especially about the affairs of others; go about tattling.

Some of the definitions have been omitted because I am gossiping about gossip.

As I was researching my topic, I was looking for the image of the two sisters and came across a lot of painters who have interpreted "Las Chismosas" in their own way. It does take two to start gossip so there is always two in a print but some have more than two and have several in their artwork.

If you Google or bing, "Las Chismosas" you can see several images on the topic itself. I love the Spanish and Central American artist out there and their prints.

Before there were books and blogs, families had to pass their history through song and story telling. The elders would sit with the youth and re site their history about their ancestors. The stories would be told, retold and told again through many lips in order to keep your family history alive.

We still do that in our society, we tell stories about how our grand parents met, where they came, how they lived, where they were born, where they were raised and so forth. So not all gossip is evil. Like all history it begins with a one single word.

Malicious gossip has only one purpose to destroy lives, whether it is true or untrue. It can hurt. If you spread this kind of gossip than your sole purpose is to be evil, destructive and hateful. If you have nothing nice to say about one person and you find joy in trying to destroy others lives than you have to watch out because Karma is always listening.

Your evil snake tongue will one day get you in trouble. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but negative opinions that are spoken out loud can come back and bite you in the ass. I am guilty of this, what teenage girl isn't? I was spreading evil gossip as a youth and one day it caught up to me in violent way. The only one that got hurt in the long run was me.

Have I stopped speaking ill of others, well.....yes and no. Sometimes I just know if I open my mouth with the evil thoughts I am having I will get mine in the end. So instead, I keep them as thougths and do not share them with others. For that way it can not be spread for I try to live with the elementary theory of "If you have nothing nice to say, DON'T say anything at all." My thoughts are my thoughts and the only other person that hears them is me and God. For one day I will have to answer to him and than I can explain to him where I was coming from. Besides I do not need any negative energy coming to me. So I try to keep my unpleasant thougths to myself because as soon as I share them they can be spread as untrue rumors that were spoken by me and spread by others. I can not have that kind of negativity following me.

So to answer my question, Have I stopped speaking ill of others? Yes, I do not let my lips spread detrimental gossip of others. No, I can formulate my own opinion and keep it to myself.

Right before my husband and I made our way to the Sun City, my necklace broke. My two gossiping sisters broke. I was heartbroken because it was gifted to me by my Tia and it was something I held dear. But I also think it was a bit of a sign we came to a town of loose lips. It is hard not to get thrown into a snake pit as a scorpion misplaced in the dessert. I try not to let their snake tongues influence my life. I can formulate my own observations.

"Las Chismosas" necklace was my inspiration for this blog post and to this day I am upset it broke. Whether it broke to send me a message about my future or it broke because it fell, I will never know. I am a firm believer that "Things happen for a reason." and my husband has also placed the thought of "Loose Lips, Sink Ships."

LET THE GOSSIP BEGIN......Maybe. As long as every time you speak of someone in a good light than chit chat away. If you are one to speak ill of others than let your snake tongue bite your own ass.

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