Monday, February 28, 2011

Double Standards in the Words of Gypsy

I always try to start my blog with a definition. So we can all read what the world around us says something is.

standard applied unfairly: a principle, rule, or expectation that is applied unfairly to different groups, one group usually being condemned for the slightest offense while the other is treated far more leniently

There are several double standards race, creed, age. I am going to reflect the one of men and women.

I am going to just be a little vague on this. Its stuff we all know is still happening in the world around us but I just want to vent a bit or just make a casual Gypsy Observation.

Topic 1: Motorcycles and Women
As women we are "suppose" to just stay behind our husband's on THEIR BIKES and ride with them. NOT own our own BIKES or even RIDE along beside our husbands either. I am a passenger on my husband's bike. I am the normal, boring, traditional biker bitch that lets my husband do all the work and I get hang on to him and just enjoy the ride. BUT, cause there is always a BUT......
I have a good friend of mine who knew this double standard was going to show itself sooner or later, as so it did. She not only has a motorcycle, she has her own Harley. It's a big bike with a big motor but she has a beautiful butt that needed a little support. (Love ya, KR!) She was not going to ride beside her husband on a sportster, as I put it to her, "like as if you were riding a thong with a wheel" Its just would not have been a good look. The double standard that she shouldn't even own her motorcycle makes us chuckle. She has gotten the speech from older women riders and few biker men on their two cents about how she should just be behind her man, not next to him. She has received the "How dare you have your own bike & ride it too" glare. She takes it with a grain of salt and gets on her bike when she can escape her loving girls she calls Demons and runs small errands on her bike. And you know why she does it? BECAUSE she can! She can go riding to the store if she wants without her husband, with HER bike and with her own knees in the breeze. I respect her for trying to break that double standard on women on bikes cause no matter what year it is, sometimes you can't break BIKERS from their way of thinking. I believe in that tribe that double standard will exist till the end of time.

Topic 2: Phone calls.
Now this one can get a little ugly because men and women feel like when they call their significant other, you better be Johnny on the FUCKING spot with that send button. If your loved one is calling you better have a good damn excuse on why you didn't pick it up sooner then the third ring. And even though you love that person on the other end, you just feel like when you call they must not be doing anything important cause your not, your calling them your not busy so by all means they should not be busy either. (super long run on sentence but so is your mind when it is going on the 4th ring & one more it goes to voicemail) But who's excuse is better? This is where the double standard gets a little vague, I would say.
Lets just throw some examples out there, of what kind of excuses on why we (Penis & Vagina) can not answer our phones or text in a timely manner that satisfies our other half's.

Ex1: I didn't know you called I was busy at work.
Ex2: I am sorry I didn't answer I had screaming kids in the car/house/tub that were taking up my attention
Ex3: I worked really hard today and just fell asleep.
Ex4: I went to the bathroom, put my cell down two minutes tops, and you happen to call when I am taking a dump. (I knew I should have taken cell into bathroom, where some of us have lost our phones by dropping them into the toilet after a flush of course)
Ex5: I was on the road or driving and texting is now illegal.
Ex6: I just stepped away from my cell.

I mean these are all valid excuses given to one partner to another. But we the partners are just suppose to be like, "oh okay, cool." No instead we can receive & give comments like the following.

Ex1: You got off 2 hours ago, I know your ass can't hear the cell when your at the bar.
Ex2: Why were they screaming?
Ex3: You couldn't call me to let me know you went to bed. (Yes, sounds dumb but when your mad, you say dumb shit)
Ex4: You take the cell all the other times you go to the bathroom and you answer everyone else right away.
Ex5: I know your ass texts and drives all the time, pull the fuck over.
Ex6: Who the hell just steps away from their cell?

So, next time you call your partner in crime just try to be a little more considerate. Cause just because you are not busy....does not mean they aren't dealing with minor meltdowns, traffic or just plain potty breaks. It's just such a double standard that if you are making the money in the household than the one that just stays at home is playing Peggy Bundy on the couch. That shit was NOT real, there are so many variables on who and what is going on around at home. Housewives need to remember that the rest of the world has real jobs and sometimes your man is busy at work.
BUT both parties need to remember to fucking chill and not get upset. And I do mean BOTH PARTIES, I am not picking sides because I have been known to get all crazy for not answering. ha ha ha....shhhh was that my phone going off?

Well, I have said my peace on this for now. I mean the double standards will exists. We can try to not let them bother us and that makes us better people. Some things will never change but others just might. Who knows...... (shit where did I put my cell? ha ha)

Added: July 10, 2011: Fuck the double standard. I guess we all have to live in relationships that it is either one way but not another. Whatever is good for the Goose, is not the same for the Gander. Whatever Daddy wants to do, its okay he can do it cause he makes more money then the wife. So the wife just needs to shut the fuck up and do as she is told. I hate double standards, what a bunch of malarkey.

Thank you and good night.

**Written by Gyspy Knowles
***Side note: Its late and I am tired.

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