Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bed Hogging

When you finally find that one person to share your life with it comes with its ups and downs. Loving someone for their flaws and them loving you for yours.

Not only are you going to walk your life with someone hand in hand you must learn your pre-school education of sharing is caring. You have to share bathroom counter space, the television remote as well as the big one, THE BED!!

There are good things that come with sharing the bed, like mattress dancing. Now that is always fun. :)

But there are times when it seems like one partner is taking up all the room in bed. He or she is bed hogging, maybe not intentionally but it happens. When a man works all day being the bread winner of the family, sometimes his woman might need to remember the following. He is the one waking up before the sun comes up, commuting through traffic full of other half asleep men, working, driving back and coming home right before the sun goes down. So if he takes a majority of the bed than why even bitch?

Now if the lady is taking up the bed maybe the men in their lives need to remember the following. If there is children in the equation than she is running around after these little people. Loading and unloading and taking them where they need to go. Laundry, dishes and cleaning is an unending chore that is done daily, if you married the right woman that is. Having a different menu for the week so you don't get sick of just having hot dogs or spagetti every week for the rest of your life. That is a task on its own. So if she takes a majority of the bed than why even bitch?

At the end of the day, just remember that both of you are working just as hard to maintain a beautiful family. Everyone is doing their part and as long as someone gets a good night sleep to accomplish another day. And bed hogging will just be one of those little things one day you will miss when its been years of sharing and one of you has parted to the after life.

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